Банк рефератов содержит более 364 тысяч рефератов, курсовых и дипломных работ, шпаргалок и докладов по различным дисциплинам: истории, психологии, экономике, менеджменту, философии, праву, экологии. А также изложения, сочинения по литературе, отчеты по практике, топики по английскому.
Крыху паздней ва усходнiх славян атрымала распаỳсюджанне назва "Русь". З гэтага запiсу Герадота можна зрабiць два выключна важныя вывады пра гiсторыю неỳраỳ.
In Europe the books became cheaper and more widespread when the use of paper became more frequent, especially as a strong rise of intellectual life of society went together with this after the crusades and the development of universities.
Things in Yasnaya Polyana, which remind us about England. Lev Tolstoy studies English, goes abroad, visits London. Lev Tolstoy comes to Herzen in England.
The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews is a modern phenomenon, which began around the turn of the 20th century. In the 19th century, following a trend that began earlier in Europe.
They were called wolf children. Kamala was very similar. The girl seemed to have no trace of humanness in the way she acted and thought. It was as if she had the mind of a wolf.