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Реферат: I Have None Essay Research Paper Sexual

Название: I Have None Essay Research Paper Sexual
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат Добавлен 09:37:32 16 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 1 Комментариев: 13 Оценило: 0 человек Средний балл: 0 Оценка: неизвестно     Скачать

I Have None Essay, Research Paper

Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]

Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]Sexual harassment on the job took a dramatic leap into public awareness in October 1991, when Professor Anita Hill made known her charges against Judge Clarence Thomas after his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many other incidents have erupted since then, including investigations into the Navy after the Tailhook incident and into government officials after Senator Bob Packwood was accused of harassing several female staffers. Paula Jones dominated headlines for months with her claim that President Clinton harassed her while a conventioneering governor. And more recently, Mitsubishi Motors agreed to pay a record $34 million settlement to hundreds of women harassed at its auto assembly plant. More than 200 men file sexual harassment charges each year with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — that’s about one-tenth of the number of cases file by women. But more men will experience sexual harassment over the coming years as women assume more positions of power in corporate America, says lawyer Ron Green, who defends companies in sexual harassment cases. [...] And a 1987 survey of federal workers by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board found that 42% of the women and 14% of the men had reported such harassment. [Men as Sexual Harassment Victims, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle (10/20/91); Wall Street Journal (10/18/91).]


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