Владимирский заочный сельскохозяйственный техникум
Контрольная работа
по дисциплине:
Английский язык
Учащегося 42 группы
отделения правоведения
Смирнова А.Г.
Шифр ______
Владимир 2002г.
Контрольная работа
(вариант 4).
2) Письменно переведите последний абзац.
Roman Law is one of the greatest systems that has ever existed.
Римское право – это одна из самых великих систем, когда – либо существовавших. It was based upon custom, and by A.D. 528 the quantity of Roman Law had become so immense that the Emperor Justinian in Constantinople ordered a clear, systematic code of all the laws to be made.
Она была основана на обычае и к 520 г. до н. э. Количество римских законов стало таким большим, что император Юстиниан в Константинополе приказал , что бы из всех законов был составлен ясный, систематичный кодекс. Roman Law has had a deep influence upon the law of the world.
Римское право оказало глубокое влияние на мировое право. The law of the most European countries is based upon it, and it has had some influence on Anglo-Saxon law, witch is the other great law system of the world.
Право большинства европейских стран основано на нем, и оно имело некоторое влияние на англо - саксонское право, которое является еще одной великой законодательной системой в мире. For many years Roman law seemed to be lost or forgotten, but it reappeared in the eleventh century, where there was a great revival of learning.
Казалось, что римское право было забыто на многие годы , но оно появилось вновь в 11 веке, когда было возрождение образования.
Many European countries began to use Roman law in their courts.
Многие европейские страны начали использовать римское право в своих судах. In France, however, until Napoleon codified the law in1804, each province had its own laws.
Во Франции, тем не менее, до того, как Наполеон составил право в 1804 году, каждая провинция имела свои собственные законы.
The Napoleonic Code was a splendid achievement, and has been copied in many countries in Europe and South America.
Кодекс Наполеона был великолепным достижением и был скопирован во многих странах Европы и Южной Америки.
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3) Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
Where can the stone on which the Code of Hammurabi was carved be seen ?
The stone on which the Code of Hammurabi was carved can be seen in the British Museum in London.
2. Were can the early code of the Hebrew law be found ?
The early code of the Hebrew law can be found in the Book of Exodus in the Bible.
Were the laws ancient Greece the same for all the cities ?
In ancient Greece each city state had its own law.
What kind of laws were common to many states ?
Laws relating to family life were common to many states
What title has been given to Solon ?
The title of the famous Athenian law giver has been given to Solon.
By whom were the speeches sometimes prepared ?
Sometimes the speeches were prepared by professional speech-writers.
Is Anglo-Saxon law based completely on Roman law or it is a different system ?
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Roman law has had some in fluence on Anglo-Saxon Law.
In what part of the world outside Europe has the Napoleonic Code been copied ?
The Napoleonic Code has been copied in many countries in Europe and South America.
Грамматические задания
(вариант 4).
1. Глаголы-сказуемые в следующих предложениях употребите в форме
, используя эквиваленты модальных глаголов.
1. I can do this work.
I could do this work (Past).
I’ll be able to do this work (Future).
2. He may go home at five.
He might go home at five (Past).
He will be allowed to go home at five (Future).
3. We must take a taxi.
We had to take a taxi (Past).
We’ll have to take a taxi (Future).
2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1. We had to stay at home yesterday because it rained.
Мы вынуждены были остаться дома вчера, потому что шел дождь.
2. You will have to get this book somewhere.
Тебе нужно будет достать эту книгу где-то.
3. We needn’t get up early on Sunday.
Тебе нужно вставать рано в воскресенье.
4. You should be more attentive at the lessons.
Тебе следовало бы быть более внимательным на уроках.
5. I am to make a report at the conference.
Мне придется сделать доклад на конференции.
6. Children ought to help their parents.
Дети обязаны помогать своим родителям.
7. You must no smoke in the room.
Тебе нельзя курить в комнате.
8. Did you have to wait there long.
Ты должен был долго ждать там ?
9. We shall not be able to arrive at the station in time.
Мы не сможем прибыть на станцию во время.
10. May I ask you what you did yesterday ?
Могу я вас спросить, что вы делали вчера?
11. I have no English books at home, therefore I have to go to the library.
У меня нет дома английских книг, по этому я вынужден идти в библиотеку.
12. Mary was not allowed to go out.
Мери не разрешили выйти.
Past Indefinite
Present Perfect, Active.
1. I (to be) never to this city.
I have never been to this city.
2. You (to be) ever to England?
Have you ever been to England?
3. I (to be) in this city last year.
I was in this city last year.
4. We (to make ) three reports this month.
We have made three reports this month.
5. I (to make) a report a few days ago.
I made a report a few days ago.
6. He was already (to graduate) from the Institute.
He was already graduated from the Institute.
7. I came in to the room and (to switch on) the light.
I came in to the room and switched on the light.
8. I (to see) just him, he must be somewhere here.
I have just seen him, he must be somewhere here.
Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в форме
1. My invitation (to accept) with pleasure by them today.
My invitation has been accepted with pleasure by them today.
2. The experimental laboratory (to built) by next academic year.
The experimental laboratory will have been built by next academic year.
3. A new stadium (to built) quite near my house recently.
A new stadium has been built quite near my house recently.
4. When we rang them up the plan (to discuss) already.
When we rang them up the plan had been already discussed.
5. I (to bring) you a dictionary. Here it is.
I have brought you a dictionary. Here it is.
6. After the dictionaries (to bring) we began translating the book.
After the dictionaries had been brought we began translating the book.
7. He asked me if I (to invite) them to the play.
He asked me if I had invited them to the play.
Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в сравнительную или превосходную степень.
1. In summer the days are (long) than the nights.
In summer the days are longer than the nights.
2. The (long) day of the year is the 21-st of June.
The longest day of the year is the 21-st of June.
3. This article is (difficult) for me.
This article is the most difficult for me.
4. This is (good) topic for your report.
This is the best topic for your report.
5. She reads (much) than you do.
She reads more than you do.
6. His manners are (peasant) than the manners of this friends.
His manners are more peasant than the manners of this friends.