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Реферат: Predictions For Genetic Engeneering Essay Research Paper

Название: Predictions For Genetic Engeneering Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат Добавлен 00:37:41 04 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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Predictions For Genetic Engeneering Essay, Research Paper

I think that there are going to be a lot of new changes in the

upcoming millennium. I think the change that will have the

biggest impact will be genetic engineering. One side of

genetic engineering will be that parents will be allowed to

chose the outcome of their baby. Another side is cloning. I

think the biggest part will be correcting DNA to get rid of

diseases. That could also be a part of choosing your baby

because you could fix any problems before it is even born.

I think the part that will most affect our generation will

be choosing your baby. You will probably be able to choose

the sex, hair color, skin tone, etc. You might even be able

to choose your babies birthdate. You will probably also be

able to choose which parent the child resembles more. I

think that cloning could also be a part of this because they

will be able to make your baby look exactly like whoever you


I think that cloning will be the change that everyone

likes for a little while but then they will realize that it is

really bad and we are running out of room to live. I think it

will start out that they get a clone to help with housework

but then they will just keep getting more and more until the

clones have clones who have clones and no one will have

any idea who they are talking to. Then after all of that

happens people will be living forty or fifty to a house and the

we will have to cut down all of the trees to have room to live

and then we will die because we need trees to make oxygen

for us. I am strongly against cloning because I believe that

if you clone people the will just get lazy and fat because

they will have clones running around to do everything for

them. Another thing I do not agree with is fixing people?s

problems with gene therapy.

I think that if people get a disease it is either their own

fault or they got it for some reason. I do not think that we

should be able to decide who lives and who dies. It is okay

to try and help people live but if they need gene therapy

there has to be some reason why they are supposed to die.

I think they will be able to fix any problem anyone has by

simply giving them a shot that goes into their cells and fixes

the part of the DNA that is not right, the question is how will

everyone feel about living forever. I feel okay about some

parts of genetic engineering but not any that are going to

overpopulate the world.

I think another big part of the new millennium will be

intergalactic travel. I think we will be able to just book a

flight like you would to go across the country. I?m sure that

there has to be life out there somewhere because if every

star is just like our sun then there has to be planets circling

them. I?m sure at least one of them has the same type of

environment as ours. They will probably make some kind of

ship that will be able to go the speed of light or even faster.

I think that there is no way that gasoline will stay

around. I think it will be replaced by fuel cells, that convert

water to energy. I think they will make it run on water

because that is the most plentiful substance on earth. Or

maybe they will find some new substance on another planet

that is more useful or better for the environment. They will

probably make a better vehicle that can go a lot faster and

without a driver.

I believe the change that will impact children the most

is that there won?t be any school that you have to go to. All

schools will come in through the computer and the Internet.

When that happens there wont be any need for paper or

writing utensils because everything will be done digitally.

That will make kids have a lot better grades because they

wont be forced to get up in the morning to go to school.

That might make kids grades lower though because they will

not want to do any work because they will be at home.

I think that communication will change a great deal.

You will not need anything to talk to other people. You will

just have a chip in your head that can communicate with

other people?s chips. People will be able to communicate

across the world by just thinking about who they want to

talk to. People will even be able to go on the Internet by

just hooking up a screen to their head and thinking which

sites they want to go to.

I think that sports will change a lot to. They will either

go away completely or they will make robots that play the

game for everyone. No one will want to play sports because

they will be too lazy to do any of that stuff. There is still

enough money in it though for people to keep investing in it.

There will probably be some new sports that no one can

even dream of now.

Houses will also be very different than they are now.

You will be able to program everything to be automatic like

shower, coffee maker or breakfast. They will be a lot more

secure because they will have very advanced security

systems. They will also have different beds that will let you

rest faster so it seems like you are getting more sleep in the

same amount of time. I think that the future will have a lot

of good and bad things in store for all of us.

In the future there will be a ton of new things for all of

us to discover and enjoy. I think that the quality of living

will greatly increase. Everything will be built very complex

but perform so basically. Everything will become run by

machines and robots but we will control them. I think that

the technology will become so common that it will all

become very inexpensive.

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