First Stand Essay, Research Paper
Many issues plague the world today. Questions arrive about how people should live, who should
control the most power, and many other questions that Americans have spent all their lives trying to
answer. This isn?t an essay where I try to answer all those questions, but how I stand on certain issues like
war, wealth, social status, education and finally technology. All those issues get even larger where even
more questions arise. Those 3 sections are Political, Social, and Economical. War covers many issues of
wars being prevented and how wars should be dealt with. Wealth is all about people who earn the money
and people who just inherit it while social status is all about how people live their lives at different ranks.
Education, everyone needs it to get a halfway descent life today. Technology will be the most important in
the future because it could be the answer to most of our problems.
The single word that most Americans know and sometimes fear is WAR. It hurts, maims, and kills
millions of Americans. And why are wars started? Because some power hungry dictator wants more space,
money or natural recourses. I think that a lot of the wars that we have had in countries could have been
prevented. Especially with all the new technology we have today. Back when it was George Washington
leading his troops there probably wasn?t anything that could have stopped that. I think most of the violence
in wars can be prevented by just sitting down and looking at all the problems and what the different
countries want. If two sides are at war I think it is the United States? responsibility to get between those two
sides and stop them from going to war. If the two sides are stronger than the U.S then the U.S should stand
down. Then and ONLY then. Some people say that God made us a violent species but I don?t believe that.
If God made man a violent species, then how could we h!
ave achieved peace and prevented many wars? How could we join in allegiances with our neighbors? If we
could just set aside all the things that make us different, we could stop all the violence at once. The
violence over the seas and the violence on the streets. Every country is always either preparing for war,
having a war, or recovering for war. Some people that analyze wars say that war is a way of keeping the
population down. I think this is a pretty dumb idea but it does have its good sides. Just like any other topic
War has it?s ups and downs.
Some people say that this next topic makes the world go ?round. Money, and the distribution of
wealth. Most people in the U.S are middle class, and in the world most are lower class like in countries in
Bosnia and Serbia where everyone is suffering. However a lot of people that just inherit all the gold and
riches don?t do anything whatsoever to earn the money. Princess Diana for instance, she came from a poor
family and just happened to get lucky that prince Charles liked her. Since some people are a lot better off
than others I think that the people with more money should be taxed more heavily than the people with out
a lot of money. If everyone is taxed the same, then the people with a lot of money will still live great but
the people with no money are going to go even lower in the money status classes. A lot of the people that
live in big industrial cities like San Francisco say that all the homeless people lying around in the parks and
other places are very inconvenient.!
It makes the city look trashier than it really is. People from out of state look at these great looking cities on
postcards and want to go there but then once they are there they look around and see homelessness and
trash littering the ground. I think that the homeless are on the street because they gambled their lives away.
The government shouldn?t be giving them any extra tax dollars just for being homeless, they should get up
off the ground and go get some jobs. Even working at a place like Burger King for minimum wage is better
than sitting on the street begging for hand outs. Most governors are trying to end the homelessness in most
places but some are just blaming the surroundings like it?s not their problem. I bet if all the homeless were
off the streets then people would be more likely to walk around at night and travel around the world more
My next topic covers social position, how people at different stature use their rank and knowledge.
Most people at high stature look down on everyone else and don?t try to improve things around them.
Should our society have fewer restrictions and provide people with more opportunities? I strongly agree
with that statement. There are not enough spots for employment in the world and especially in big cities.
Many people are being laid off and not getting jobs back again. Apple lays of thousands of employees yet
their company still has some problems getting itself off the ground. Many Americans work hard, because
they want to have a good family that is well educated and enough money room so that they can live freely
without a tight budget. On the other hand, many other Americans are lazy and just want everything to come
to them, but the world doesn?t revolve around them. They need to get up and do something instead of
decomposing on the couch. I think that the government fails !
to provide a great many things like, safety, and city building funds. However I also think that the people
also need to put in their fair share of things instead of just ?leeching? off of everyone else. There should be
meetings where everyone can come together and meet no matter where or who or how much power they
hold in their hands. This would provide more equality between people and would give them a better
attitude about one another. People of all different shapes and sizes can make decisions about things, but
only a very few amount can actually make those ideas work to help everyone.
Education is perhaps the most important thing in a society. Without education a society has no
foundation. Small children need the most education because they keep the generations going. If only adults
were educated then the information would die with them and future generations could not benefit from
them. I think that music, art and literature are as important in the study of history as are political and
economic events. Everyone should be strong in all of those topics and not just one side. Relaxing is the
most important thing in your life, someone who doesn?t relax will just simply blow up. People need to go to
school and learn all the tricks of the trade so when they grow up to get a job, they can get a good one and
live wealthy and not turn into another homeless person.
Technology is a major issue in the world today. It may have not been a very big issue a long time
ago when technology was at a minimum, but now that there is a great need for it, it has come to be very
important. Technology can solve most of the problems of tomorrow, like pollution and trash. I bet that once
we become even more technologically efficient we will eliminate most of the health hazards in the world.
But for all we know that could happen in the year 2050. Spending for the U.S. military technology should
be expanded a lot because we don?t want to be left out in case of another war. What would of happened if
we would have never invented the A-bomb first? Using technology could also help keep peace if we didn?t
use technologically advanced weaponry.
All in all I think that the world is doing a pretty good job concerning these statements. A couple I
strongly disagree but a lot of them I agree with and believe that everything is going good. I hope to learn
more about the technology issues and how the advancements in technology are going. Hopefully they are
going more towards helping the world instead of advancing in ways to destroy each other. I also believe
that wars should be prevented whenever possible. Hopefully throughout the year we will learn all these
statements in detail as they are all very important and interesting facts of life.