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Реферат: Fool

Название: Fool
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат Добавлен 11:52:20 08 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 1 Комментариев: 12 Оценило: 0 человек Средний балл: 0 Оценка: неизвестно     Скачать

’s Ball Essay, Research Paper

Fool?s Ball

Many people enjoy watching or playing the game called football.

However, there are many people that think football is just a waste of

time and money. I, for instance, am one of those people. Whether it is

just hometown high school football, College football or even NFL

football I think that football is an awful representation of athletic ability.

There are many cons including the physical effect that it has on the

players, the amount of money that is spent on the players, and the

message that it is sending to children.

First of all, football is one of the most dangerous sports that is

played in the United States whether it is the little leagues or the NFL.

Players are tackled and thrown around in all different directions. Many

players may get injured so badly that they have to quit playing football.

They may injure the heads, spines, and in most cases their knees. To

prove just how dangerous football is, there are ambulances that attend

the game waiting or watching to see if someone gets hurt. In many

instances a player has to be taken away by the ambulance. Why do the

players put themselves through all of this physical trauma? Not only do

the football players get injured during the games, they also get injured

during practices. The situation is just as bad as if there were an actual

game being played. Pulled muscles, torn ligaments, broken bones, and

sometimes concussions. The possibilities are endless.

There are numerous amounts of money that is spent on the

players. Not necessarily in the little leagues, but the NFL for instance.

The players are sometimes paid millions of dollars to be a football

player. A lot of times college football players get scholarships for

playing football at certain schools. This ignites a whole new debate

about the football players ability to attend college and his grades. Many

people believe that a lot of times the player does not even attend college

half the time and is still passed. The money that is spent on the NFL

players is insane. The millions of dollars that they make each year

could definitely be going to a better cause than football.

It seems like every time one turns on the television he hears of the

wrongdoings of big time football players. The latest instance was that

of Peter Warrick, a very important player, who plays for Florida State

University. He stole five hundred dollars worth of merchandise at a

department store for a much cheaper price. He was arrested. Odds

point now to him joining the team again very soon. Is this right? Just

because he is a very important football player should he be able to do

this? This kind of thing happens very much in football land. It is

sending kids the wrong message. It is telling them that it is o.k. to steal

because you will get away with it. Kids look up to these football players

as idols and they are getting the wrong messages.

In conclusion, football is a wasteful sport. It is hard on the player,

it costs a lot of money that could be spent on other more important

things, and last but not least, it is sending kids all the wrong messages.

I nominate a new name for football: Fool?s Ball.

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