Kung Fu Essay, Research Paper
As a six year old child, fighting like a Ninja was a necessary step in growing
up. Since most of my six year old friends had hit this stage at about the same
time as myself, we would fight each other like Ninjas. We would fight almost
every day. At school, at home, on the playground, even on the gymnastic mats
outside the gymnasium, where our story begins. Now after fighting day after day,
we became tired of attacking each other with pretend punching and
kicking. So, because I was the braniac of the group, I suggested we look for
sticks shaped like swords and spears to throw at each other. Oh, and
don`t forget to pick up lots of rocks to use as throwing stars, I
yelled to everyone as we spread out through the large soccer field in search of
our weapons. After a few minutes, we gathered back on the mats for our ultimate
battle. Now we were real fighters, armed with dangerous weapons. We were bad. Hyung-Chai yelled one child, as he smacked another boy in the back
of the head with a stick no thinner than his own arm. A loud Thwack
was heard, followed by more cries and the swinging of weapons. Most children ran
away with mild scrapes but finally the black Ninja (Michael Scott) and I were
all who remained. Now I was pumped, throwing jump kicks and shouting gibberish Ninja words
to intimidate my opponent. No one could catch me. I
was invincible. I was Ki… Thwack.І Stunned yet still conscious, I
lay on my back, paralyzed by the fact that I had been defeated. Then, I tasted
the blood in my mouth. And all went black. I slowly, cautiously, walked towards
the mirror, my arms outstretched, inching my feet across the linoleum floor and
blindly groping for objects that might be hidden inside the darkness of the
small, stuffy room. Suddenly, a strange face appeared in the mirror. But it didn`t
look like me. Sure it had my face, but it had one mutant eye that was glowing
fluorescent purple. I stared at it… and the grotesque eye stared back at me. I
waved to it… and the figure waved back to me. Astonished and scared, I slowly
backed away from the savage face. The evil eye followed me, stared at me,
laughed at me… Alright, that`s enough excitement for today,
Spencer. With a flash, the lights came back on, blinding my eyes and
jolting me back to reality, and safety. іI№m sorry Spencer, but
I`m going to have to put a bandage over that eye of yours, І said Dr. Kosh.
Now remember, the gel on your eye will only last a few hours, so
don`t try to take the bandage off to look at it again. Eye injuries can be
very dangerous, you’re lucky you were not hit harder or you might be blind. O.K. Dr.
Kosh, I said. How long to I have to keep the
bandage on? Only a few days Spencer. Now go outside and
don`t get into anymore fights. I walked out of his office and into
the lobby where my mother was waiting. Together we walked outside into the hot
summer sun.