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Реферат: Sound Of Music Essay Research Paper 25

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Тип: реферат Добавлен 22:45:56 15 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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Sound Of Music Essay, Research Paper

25 pages in length. As the new millennium approaches, business and marketing strategies within all industries will continue to present inspired methods in order to reach for the highest profit margin in the twenty-first century. As a means by which to reach for the highest profit margin, and thus effectively represent idealistic philosophies, contemporary commerce has found that Internet-based businesses can, indeed, benefit a larger percentage of people than that of traditional commerce. Not unlike other enterprise that relies upon a positive bottom line to remain competitive, small and large companies alike are faced with ever-mounting competition in this day of high costs and an even higher competitive factor. Staying within the somewhat confined boundaries of industry, while at the same time attempting to focus on the ever-changing consumer market, is as much of a concern for modest companies as it is for any other conglomerate. Indeed, for businesses to thrive amidst global competition, certain strategies must be approached. The writer discusses profitability of World Wide Web-based companies. Bibliography lists 21 sources. TLCbizwb.wps

World Wide Websites and Small Businesses

This 5 page report examines the opportunities available to small business through maintaining a website and marketing via the Internet. Bibliography lists 10 sources. Webiz.wps

Dell Computer

An 18 page paper discussing Dell’s acsension to the number one producer of personal computers and the competitive pressures they face. Historically, Dell Computer has participated primarily in the hardware segment of the PC market, and has concentrated on government agencies and small business for the bulk of their sales. With the shift of focus among so many companies regarding just what the Internet might be able to do for them, both in terms of boosting sales of their own products and as a tool for developing intranets not dependent on physical location as Local Area Networks (LANs) are, Dell has also added Internet servers to their talents for voluminous and rapid sales. Bibliography lists 12 sources. Dellcomp.doc

GTE ? History, Financial Information and the Merger with Bell Atlantic

This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources. BWgte.rtf

Barnes & Noble, Borders Books as Competitors

A 20 page paper comparing two of America’s largest retailers of books. Barnes & Noble and Borders have appeared to be similar for much of the life of Borders; Barnes & Noble was founded in the previous century and is much older. Neither appears to be giving enough attention to the issues of the late 1990s that are so critical to success. Specifically, each is deficient in its Internet presence though for different reasons, and each could make improvements in business practice that seems to target small booksellers rather than the companies’ own customers. Bibliography lists 12 sources. KSbooks.doc

International Relations Book Review

A 5 page review of “Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis” by R.E. Caves. Explores how both small and large businesses play a role in shaping international relations and how technologies such as the Internet are important in this process. No additional sources cited. BusrevE.wps

Capital Structure Decisions for Small Business

An 11 page paper discussing types of financing available to small business, the types of business activities most likely to win financing, which industries are more likely to gain financing through debt rather than through equity or collateral approaches, and the types of organizations funding small business. The paper discusses the role of the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) and the differences in funding activities typical between bank-owned SBICs and those owned by other types of entities. Other funding sources also are discussed, including the Small Business Administration (SBA), private venture capital, non-SBIC bank loans, and even a co-op of capital resources among small businesses. Each source can carry specific management requirements; the small business needs to assess the value of the types of funding it can acquire relative to the level of autonomy management is willing to sacrifice according to the terms of the funding source chosen. The paper includes two tables and a letter of transmittal. Bibliography lists 14 sources. KSsmallF.doc

The Importance Of Business Plans


25 pages in length. As the new millennium approaches, business and marketing strategies within all industries will continue to present inspired methods in order to reach for the highest profit margin in the twenty-first century. As a means by which to reach for the highest profit margin, and thus effectively represent idealistic philosophies, contemporary commerce has found that Internet-based businesses can, indeed, benefit a larger percentage of people than that of traditional commerce. Not unlike other enterprise that relies upon a positive bottom line to remain competitive, small and large companies alike are faced with ever-mounting competition in this day of high costs and an even higher competitive factor. Staying within the somewhat confined boundaries of industry, while at the same time attempting to focus on the ever-changing consumer market, is as much of a concern for modest companies as it is for any other conglomerate. Indeed, for businesses to thrive amidst global competition, certain strategies must be approached. The writer discusses profitability of World Wide Web-based companies. Bibliography lists 21 sources. TLCbizwb.wps

World Wide Websites and Small Businesses

This 5 page report examines the opportunities available to small business through maintaining a website and marketing via the Internet. Bibliography lists 10 sources. Webiz.wps

Dell Computer

An 18 page paper discussing Dell’s acsension to the number one producer of personal computers and the competitive pressures they face. Historically, Dell Computer has participated primarily in the hardware segment of the PC market, and has concentrated on government agencies and small business for the bulk of their sales. With the shift of focus among so many companies regarding just what the Internet might be able to do for them, both in terms of boosting sales of their own products and as a tool for developing intranets not dependent on physical location as Local Area Networks (LANs) are, Dell has also added Internet servers to their talents for voluminous and rapid sales. Bibliography lists 12 sources. Dellcomp.doc

GTE ? History, Financial Information and the Merger with Bell Atlantic

This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources. BWgte.rtf

Barnes & Noble, Borders Books as Competitors

A 20 page paper comparing two of America’s largest retailers of books. Barnes & Noble and Borders have appeared to be similar for much of the life of Borders; Barnes & Noble was founded in the previous century and is much older. Neither appears to be giving enough attention to the issues of the late 1990s that are so critical to success. Specifically, each is deficient in its Internet presence though for different reasons, and each could make improvements in business practice that seems to target small booksellers rather than the companies’ own customers. Bibliography lists 12 sources. KSbooks.doc

International Relations Book Review

A 5 page review of “Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis” by R.E. Caves. Explores how both small and large businesses play a role in shaping international relations and how technologies such as the Internet are important in this process. No additional sources cited. BusrevE.wps

Capital Structure Decisions for Small Business

An 11 page paper discussing types of financing available to small business, the types of business activities most likely to win financing, which industries are more likely to gain financing through debt rather than through equity or collateral approaches, and the types of organizations funding small business. The paper discusses the role of the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) and the differences in funding activities typical between bank-owned SBICs and those owned by other types of entities. Other funding sources also are discussed, including the Small Business Administration (SBA), private venture capital, non-SBIC bank loans, and even a co-op of capital resources among small businesses. Each source can carry specific management requirements; the small business needs to assess the value of the types of funding it can acquire relative to the level of autonomy management is willing to sacrifice according to the terms of the funding source chosen. The paper includes two tables and a letter of transmittal. Bibliography lists 14 sources. KSsmallF.doc

The Importance Of Business Plans

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