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Реферат: Leading The World Steve Forbes Essay Research

Название: Leading The World Steve Forbes Essay Research
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат Добавлен 09:08:38 29 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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Leading The World: Steve Forbes Essay, Research Paper

Leading the World

Steve Forbes is a conservative Republican. As President, Steve will advance the United States back to its undisputed world leader status. The Forbes Administration will pursue three objectives in obtaining this status. The first and foremost objective is to protect American sovereignty and security. The second objective is advancing individual liberty and human rights. The last is opening new markets and expanding existing markets throughout Asia.

Steve Forbes believes the next President must begin a major rebuilding of our military. Our armed forced are now hollowed out. The United States military personnel are not being adequately paid. As President, Forbes will pay American military personnel a competitive wage and reduce the time they are away from their families. We must also use the United States high-tech advantage to deploy a state-of-the-art ballistic missile defense system. Communist China has missiles that can now reach California and North Korea will soon have missiles that can reach Hawaii and Alaska. Iran is rapidly developing both nuclear weapons and the means to deliver those weapons by missile. United States officials confirmed they are monitoring Chinese construction of a missile launching facility near Taiwan. The U.S. said it has made clear to the Chinese government our concerns regarding Chinese missile development and its influence on the situation between them and Taiwan. China considers Taiwan a renegade province and has threatened to invade if the island regime declares independence. This new missile facility reportedly would be capable of handling 100 of China?s newest missiles, which are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.(USA Today Wed. 11/25/99) The United States can not afford to wait any longer.

One of the goals of this strengthened military will be to protect American friends and interest around the world. The United States must defend Taiwan from communist China, we must deal with North Korea nuclear threats and protect South Korea and other American friends in Asia and we must contain Iranian expansionist ambitions. The Forbes Administration will work closely with pro-American countries in the Middle East, especially Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Turkey.

With their population and their communist government?s constant human rights abuses and military adventures, we must change the United States-China policy for the 21st century. “The rise of China as a new power is one of the greatest challenges we face as a nation as we enter the 21st century. Our failure to properly handle the rise of Germany and Japan earlier in the 20th century cost the world and us dearly. We dare not make the same mistake with China.”(”No More Business As Usual” speech by Steve Forbes at Nixon Library 11/12/99)

Steve Forbes is calling for the American Government to confront the Chinese human rights abuses. There been reports out of China that Buddhist and Christians are being tortured because of their religion. Methods of torture reported include the crushing of Christians feet and ankles as they are forced to kneel, tormenting with electric cattle prongs and the execution of prisoners to obtain their organs for sale.(Freedomhouse.com) They also exploit these religious prisoners for profit, often using them for slave labor to produce export goods. For example, “China?s slave labor camps operate 140 export enterprises, selling products to over 70 countries, including the U.S. But in 1997, Congressman Chris Smith, introduced a bill to keep China?s slave labor products out of our country. Steve Forbes supported the bill at the time, and as President, Steve Forbes will vigorously enforce it and fight slave labor practices around the world.”(Webmaster@forbes2000.com)

Steve Forbes also believes that we must step up our weapons research to reopen the technological gap between us and the countries that threaten. We must not let China?s growing nuclear arsenal threaten the United States any longer. Forbes states, “China must understand the security umbrella America provides in the Pacific promotes stability and serves the long-term interest of all powers.”(No More Business as Usual, Forbes)

As President, Steve Forbes will also open new markets and expand existing markets around the world. Forbes states, “we must first put an immediate halt to all dangerous trade practices.” He will ban the sales of all technology to China that can be used for military purposes. He will work to halt the selling of weapons of mass destruction by China and other Middle Eastern countries to smaller rogue nations around the world. He wants China to sign honest trade agreements and act openly to the enforcement of these policies. If these rules of trade are not followed by the Chinese and they continue to head down the road to confrontation against the United States, we shall revoke Most Favored Nation trade status. Forbes feels this we be shock treatment for the Chinese, as opposed to the “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” approach the White House has now. Steve Forbes states, ” I will never sacrifice American security or values on the altar of trade.”(webmaster@forbes2000.com)

USA Today, Daily World News (Wed. 11/25/99)

“No More Business as Usual” Speech by Steve Forbes at (webmaster@forbes2000.com)



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