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Реферат: Siddhartha Inward Journey Essay Research Paper Siddhartha

Название: Siddhartha Inward Journey Essay Research Paper Siddhartha
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат Добавлен 03:49:02 08 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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Siddhartha Inward Journey Essay, Research Paper

Siddhartha’s Inward Journey Siddhartha was written by Hermann Hesse, as a

fictional adventure for the body and soul. Siddhartha was once an intelligent

boy who dared to think of something more. Siddhartha is now an enlightened

man, who dared to think of something more. Siddhartha traveled though life

the best he knew how, and many times he did all he could. Siddhartha’s

inward journey, from innocence to guilt and despair, then finally to destruction

or salvation, and how the book reflects this and the decisions that Siddhartha

makes. Siddhartha as an innocent boy was very smart. He would love arguing

with the men of his village. He also knew that many of the Brahmins were lazy

and they disgraced the title. His father was very intelligent and was the image

of the ideal Brahmin: loving and caring, intelligent, wise beyond his years,

hard working and loved by all. Siddhartha loved his father and their

discussions. He would play advanced games and win; he would excel at almost

everything he tried. He knew no harm and loved games, for he was only an

innocent little boy. “In the shade of the house, in the sunshine on the river

bank by the boats, in the shade of the sallow wood and the fig tree,

Siddhartha, the handsome Brahmin’s son, grew up with his friend Govinda.”

(P. 3) This would all change one day. He told his best friend that he would go

to the Samanas and learn about life. His father didn’t want him to go but, after

seeing his conviction, his father agreed. After joining the Samanas he was not

so innocent, but still a boy. He and Govinda, his best friend, traveled and

visited Gotama Buddha. Govinda left with the Buddha; Siddhartha left on his

own. Now, he was a man. Later he went forth and learned the worldly

pleasures of money, positions, sex, love and greed form Kamala and

Kaqmaswami. After only knowing worldly pleasures for decades Siddhartha

had lost his way. He no longer had his high and mighty lifestyle. He had

learned so much, been so serious, but after years of knowing nothing but

gambling, drinking and lovemaking, he could not return to his previous life. He

felt horrible and he had a suddenly desire to leave. He left his home, his job

and his love because of a dream. He stood before a river and wished all the

hurting to stop. He had lived a life that disappointed him so much; he needed

to forever end the misery that was his life. He wished to simply fall into the

water and drowned, end all of this life which he hated so much. Suddenly from

a forgotten place deep within himself Siddhartha thought, knew and felt Om!

This small word, idea saved him from ending his life. His despair and wish for

destruction began to fade and he fell sleep after years of a hard and tiring life.

“With a distorted countenance he stared into the water. He saw his face

reflected, and spat at it; he took his arm away from the tree trunk and turned a

little, so that he could fall headlong and finally go under. He bent, with closed

eyes-towards death.” (P. 89) Guilt came, but not after leaving his best friend,

not even after leaving Kamala the one whom taught him of worldly pleasures

for decades. He had a son with Kamala. After his son left him Siddhartha was

devastated! He suddenly realized that he had left his father with little warning

at a young age and never saw or spoke to him again, the same way his son

was doing now. “He saw his father, lonely, mourning for his son; he saw

himself, lonely, also with the bonds of longing for his faraway son; he saw his

son, also lonely, the buy eagerly advancing along the burning path of life’s

desires; each one concentrating on his goal, each one obsessed by his goal,

each one suffering. The river’s voice was sorrowful.” (P. 134) He begins to go

into a downward spiral. This despair is great but not as the despair from

before. He feels horrible but knows that he must continue. Siddhartha’s

salvation from immediate destruction comes from, Om. This calms his entire

body and he lives through the experience that might have killed him. But really

salvation comes from going back to the ferryman. He returns to work for him.

He learns many things from Vasudeva, the ferryman. He learns of nature and

how to find true enlightenment and peace. He studies works and learns many

things with Vasudeva. Finally Vasudeva guides Siddhartha to the end of

samsara. He has reached Nirvana, and is total peace. “From that hour

Siddhartha ceased to fight against his destiny. There shone in his face the

serenity of knowledge, of one who is no longer confronted with conflict of

desires, who has found salvation, who is in harmony with the stream of events,

with the stream of life, full of sympathy and compassion, surrendering himself

to the stream, belonging to the unity of all things.” (P. 136) After almost every

temptation, sidetracks, and everything else bad or harmful Siddhartha has

experience and surpassed. He finally reached peace when Govinda had not.

This is strange because the stuck up one finds peace and harmony, and the

nice, helpful one doesn’t. But at the end Govinda reaches enlightenment in an

emotional display. As young men they were best of friends, innocent and free.

As old men they are best of friend, enlightened and peaceful.


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