Банк рефератов содержит более 364 тысяч рефератов, курсовых и дипломных работ, шпаргалок и докладов по различным дисциплинам: истории, психологии, экономике, менеджменту, философии, праву, экологии. А также изложения, сочинения по литературе, отчеты по практике, топики по английскому.
Criminology is an advanced, theoretical field of study. It can be
defined as the study of crime, the causes of crime (etiology), the
meaning of crime in terms of law, and community reaction to crime.
Not too long ago, criminology separated from its mother discipline,
sociology, and although there are some historical continuities, it
has since developed habits and methods of thinking about crime and
criminal behavior that are uniquely its own.