Банк рефератов содержит более 364 тысяч рефератов, курсовых и дипломных работ, шпаргалок и докладов по различным дисциплинам: истории, психологии, экономике, менеджменту, философии, праву, экологии. А также изложения, сочинения по литературе, отчеты по практике, топики по английскому.
Surrealism (from French surrealisme - supernaturalism) - a
modernistic direction in the art, appeared after the First World War
in France, during 1920s. Its founders considered surrealism as a way
to recognize subconscious, or supernatural. By definition of the
founder, and the ideologist of this direction Andrй
Breton the
surrealism is " the pure mental automatism, the purpose of which
is to express, either orally, or in writing, everyday ideas.